Steps to Take After a Relapse

Steps to Take After a Relapse

Sobriety is an ongoing journey, not a fixed destination. Relapses can occur because addiction is a chronic illness that requires lifelong management. Studies indicate that 40 to 60% of those struggling with drug or alcohol addiction will relapse. While relapses are serious and disappointing, they are not insurmountable. Similar to other chronic illnesses like diabetes or asthma, relapse rates are […]

The Impact Of Addiction Treatment On Personal And Professional Growth

The Impact Of Addiction Treatment On Personal And Professional Growth

We’ve often heard the narrative of addiction disrupting lives. But seldom do we dive deep into the transformative journey that ensues when an individual receives proper addiction treatment, a journey not just of recovery but of profound personal and professional growth. Dr. Andrew Tatarsky, a renowned figure in the field of addiction treatment, has always emphasized the importance of understanding […]

A Key in Overcoming the Shackles of Drug Addiction

A Key in Overcoming the Shackles of Drug Addiction

In the bustling wards and clinical rooms of our rehab centre, patients often enter with burdens heavier than just their addictions; they carry the weight of society’s judgements, bias, and deeply embedded stigma. As a medical doctor working tirelessly with countless patients, I’ve borne witness to a potent tool that not only aids in combating addiction itself but also in […]

The Myth That Certain Substances Are Not Addictive

The Myth That Certain Substances Are Not Addictive

It’s not uncommon to hear people say, “It’s just dagga; it can’t be addictive,” or, “It’s a prescription drug, so it must be safe.” These myths about addiction can be misleading and even dangerous. Addiction is not limited to illicit drugs like tik or heroin. As you delve deeper into the world of substances and their effects, you’ll discover that […]

Utilizing Online Platforms To Find Addiction Treatment Services

Utilizing Online Platforms To Find Addiction Treatment Services

When faced with the daunting challenge of addiction, either personally or within your circle, the urgency to find reliable treatment options is paramount. Navigating the intricate landscape of addiction treatment in South Africa can be overwhelming, but the advent of specialized online platforms has been a game-changer. South Africa boasts a rich tapestry of cultures, traditions, and socio-economic backgrounds. It’s […]

Navigating the Perils of Mixing Alcohol and Benzos

Navigating the Perils of Mixing Alcohol and Benzos

Benzodiazepines, commonly known as benzos, serve as sedatives frequently prescribed to address issues like anxiety, stress, and insomnia. Despite their widespread use in South Africa, these drugs possess a high potential for abuse and addiction. When it comes to substances frequently combined with benzodiazepines, alcohol tops the list. Mixing benzos with alcohol can be an incredibly perilous endeavor, as the […]

Is Modern Society to Blame for Rising Addiction Rates?

Is Modern Society to Blame for Rising Addiction Rates?

While navigating the convoluted roads of recovery and money management, you may wonder if our modern culture is actually creating an environment that fosters addiction. It’s a difficult question with no easy answer. However, as we strive to understand the causes of the astounding surge in addiction rates, it’s critical to shed light on the probable role society plays in […]

The Role Of Technology In Cocaine Addiction Treatment

The Role Of Technology In Cocaine Addiction Treatment

Addiction recovery is a challenging process, but technology may provide an unexpected and useful aid. Technology is playing an increasingly important role in the delivery of healthcare in today’s hyperconnected “online” society. This includes the delivery of addiction treatment. Maia Szalavitz urges us to tackle addiction with a focus on harm reduction and understanding the development of the brain, and […]

Building Healthy Coping Skills In Prescription Drug Addiction Therapy

Building Healthy Coping Skills In Prescription Drug Addiction Therapy

Dealing with prescription drug addiction can be a challenging journey, but it’s important to remember that you are not alone. As you embark on the path to recovery, one of the key aspects to focus on is building healthy coping skills. These skills will help you find alternatives to substance use, allowing you to navigate life’s challenges without relying on […]

The Warning Signs Of A Relapse In Recovery

The Warning Signs Of A Relapse In Recovery

As someone supporting a loved one on their journey to break free from addiction, it’s essential to be mindful of the warning signs of a potential relapse. Recognizing these signs early on can help you provide the necessary support and intervention, increasing the chances of maintaining recovery. Here are some key facts to keep in mind when identifying warning signs […]